DYKE DRAMA is Australia's only lesbian short film festival. It's almost impossible to believe, but it is! Lesbian invisibility is alive and well, even today, in 2013. Well, not anymore. Perth is about to play host to a parade of international short films reflecting the everyday lives of lesbians as seen by lesbians. No vampires, no psychopaths, no suicides...just our incredible stories.
Sneak Peeks:
DYKE DRAMA will have it all...even a lesbian western!
TWO GIRLS AGAINST THE RAIN is a short documentary about a lesbian couple who met and fell in love under one of the most brutal genocidal regimes in history, the Khmer Rouge. Yun and Eang survived this darkest of times and today are engaged in the struggle for marriage equality in Cambodia. Please come and see the Australian premiere of this beautiful film from Director/Producer Sao Sopheak.
The Michigan Womyn's Music Festival is my spiritual home. I wonder how many of you have heard about it? Here is a link to their promotional video. come to the first night of DYKE DRAMA and I'll show you a 10 minute documentary on this, the worlds largest and oldest womyn's music festival. Who knows?...maybe I'll see you in the Michigan forest one day.
.We need to talk. Ha! Who even wants to stay around for the rest of THAT conversation? Well, I promise you, YOU will.
From Germany...Fresh Air Therapy will leave you, well, needing a bit of fresh air.
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